Femke Zwarts

My name is Femke Zwarts I'm a 16 year old Christian girl. I study Interior Design at Alfa College in the Netherlands. I've chosen this study because I love being creative and because I like to make people happy and inspire them with the things I make. I love reading and writing I've got a bookcase filled with books. I also like to write stories in my time off or go for a swim. I also love to take pictures , the moment I see something beautiful that inspires me I need to take a picture of it. I take them at several events such as school excursions. My inspiration comes from a lot of things b
ut especially from nature whether it is a painting, a photo or the real outside world , that doesn't matter. The city is also an inspiration because there are many different types of buildings build in different kinds of styles. There are very old buildings which were built in the Middle Ages but also modern architectonic wonders which have just been completed. I think that there is something inspiring, something beautiful in every building. People are also an inspiration because they can impress you with their emotions, it can really hit you. Overall books, stories, nature and people are my biggest inspirations. I like an industrial style mixed with a little romance and a botanical twist.
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